

i've drunk so much tap water in my life, that as of today my default saliva flavor has become tap water.

ye olde

if you had a tv show and it only lasted one year and then it got cut, would you want to kill everyone off in a tragic ending or would you make everyone live happily ever after.


i can see a million pieces when i look into your eyes
i see them change when they look at me
soften and dilate and love
and i can see my own reflection in your eyes
and i can see our futures and you in every part
of my life and mine in yours
and every moment has led up to this
every look has been practicing for this look.
soften and dilate and fade

i haven't written

there is definitely a factor of live-ness and alertness in being heartbroken. and a deadness, or rather, obliviousness that comes with love, being in it.


misunderstanding cont'd

standing in an open expanse
with hands placed palm to palm
i bend my elbows to draw you close
you think i'm gearing to push you away
so you slump back
now my arms are extended and yours held back in fear
so i reach to embrace but
you're too far gone and you realize and
you reach but i have put my arms down
in rejection and you put your arms down
why don't we just do palm to palm



step one. something bad happens
step two. someone needs to be blamed

and the great finger point begins. you to her, her to him, him to him, him to them.
but so far no one is turning their finger around
and nowhere is the finger pointing back at their own chest

we don't even need elbows anymore because everyday our motions need to become more pronounced. and if you can't do a gesture big and powerful then you mustn't at all.

and if you aren't pointing a finger outward then you wouldn't point at all.

one finger pointing out is just three pointing back at you as they say. next step is to point all of them and then you will resemble someone else from history.